originally from Paynesville city, the republic of Liberia,a small country on the west coast of
Africa,I now live in Minneapolis, Minnesota the United states of America.
Ever Mindful of the many negative information about my country due largely in part to the almost two decades of civil war, i have created this blog as a means to share with all well meaning people and friends of Liberia, the many positive aspect of my country.
GOD, Country and family first,is my motto, every other thing is secondary.
Liberia has a lot to offer when it comes to tourism, The land is rich and beautiful, we still have some of the largest virgin rain forest on the whole African continent, The people are friendly and Kind, all we need to do is developed and show off our beautiful country.
Some countries in the world only depend on tourism for revenue, why can't we do the same for our country? why let all this beauty waste for nothing?
Today i am proud to post these videos of some of Liberia's new sensations. They may be new on the music scene, but i am sure they all are destine for great things.
The first video is by Liberia's own reggae sansation Nasseman. The song is called Till we meet again. I love this video because it was shot on location in Liberia.
The next video is by Liberia's new female sensation L.I.B Queen, based in Ghana. the song is called Ebe So You Be Dey. This video is smoking hot.
And finally from his base in Minneapolis, the United states of Amrica, and still representing Liberia in his own way is F.A in his music video called I wanna.
Hope you enjoy my selections, let us support our artist.
For the next couple of days i will be posting videos of some of Liberia's upcoming musicians, and performing artist. Some of these artist are based in the states and some are based in Africa,the goal is not only to showcase these wonderful Liberian talents, but it should also served as a means of reminding us of where we came from.
The first video is by one of Liberia's new and favorite artist, Sundaygar Dearboy. and its call come back to me.
The next song is a song about one seriously missing his/her former lover and is sung in the Dan (Gio) Language of Nimba County, LIBERIA. And its called Ngbeh Zee (My Former Lover).
How long can our people die? How long will my country in mourning lie? How long can our homes, be made our tombs? How long will we, the Aks and bazookas keep? while our people continue to weep? How long must our people cry? while greedy leaders divide Liberia like a pie. How long must our country plea? please, please, stop all this looting and killing spree, How long Liberia? how Long?
Poem i wrote during the 1992 invasion of Monrovia, by rebels forces loyal to Charles Taylor.